Update Profile

Update an existing profile on your NFT Management Platform.


Required rights: admin, accountManage or usersManage

To update a profile, use /profile/:id.

PUT - https://{{nmpUrl}}/profile/:id


nameStringβœ…New name of the profile.
rightscertRead, transaction, certCreate, certPrint, certDelete, certRecover, messageSend, assetsUpload, identityUpdate, accountManage, messageSetupAuto, usersManage, eventCreate, admin, reporting, smartContractSend, stolenβœ…Right(s) you wish to associate with the profile.
For more details on rights, see Rights Listing .
    "name": "DigitalPassportManagement",
    "rights": [

Return Payload

The profile has been updated.

    "_id": "65ca401ac784dd6e41c3a045",
    "name": "test3",
    "rights": [
    "__v": 0,
    "id": "65ca401ac784dd6e41c3a045"


Statut CodeSuccessDescription
500falseThe ID may not exist.
    "stringValue": "\":id\"",
    "valueType": "string",
    "kind": "ObjectId",
    "value": ":id",
    "path": "_id",
    "reason": {},
    "name": "CastError",
    "message": "Cast to ObjectId failed for value \":id\" (type string) at path \"_id\" for model \"Profile\""