Create Event Template


The Arianee event template allows brands to create standardized templates for topical events related to product lifecycle. These templates can be reused for various events, such as repair, and maintenance, ensuring consistency and efficiency in event management.

Let's start πŸš€


Required rights: admin or certCreate

To create an event template, use the /arianeeEventTemplate.

POST - https://{{nmpUrl}}/arianeeEventTemplate


metadataObjectβœ…Contains additional information about the event template.
nameStringβœ…The display name of the event template. Example: "Repair Event".
iconStringβœ…A URL pointing to an icon that visually represents the event template.
contentStringβœ…Contains the core event information respecting the Event Schema.
  "deleted": false,
  "metadata": {
    "name": "Service Event",
    "icon": ""
  "content": "{\"eventType\":\"repair\",\"language\":\"fr-FR\",\"title\":\"Repair done\",\"description\":\"Your product has been repaired and is now operational.\",\"i18n\":[],\"$schema\":\"\"}"

Return Payload

Status CodeSuccessDescription
200trueThe event template has been created.
  "deleted": false,
  "metadata": {
    "name": "Evenement de Service",
    "icon": ""
  "content": "{\"eventType\":\"repair\",\"language\":\"fr-FR\",\"title\":\"Repair done\",\"description\":\"Your product has been repaired and is now operational.\",\"i18n\":[],\"$schema\":\"\"}"