Manage Proof of Ownership
Generate Proof of Ownership
As a brand, you wish to allow your users to prove their digital passport ownership. Our API generates a link to read the digital passport content and prove this user owns it.

Use the{{client}}/{{chainType}}/nft/createProofLink
POST -{{client}}/{{chainType}}/nft/createProofLink
Field | Type | Required | Description |
protocolName | String - testnet , mainnet , arianeetestnet , mumbai , polygon , arialabs , stadetoulousain , ysl , testnetSbt , arianeeSupernet , arianeesbt , supernettestnet | โ | Protocol on which the digital passport has been minted. Dig deeper into Arianee Protocols. |
smartAsset โ id | Object - {id: string} | โ | Digital passport identification number. |
params | Object - {passphrase:string} | โ | Auto generated field |
"protocolName": "testnet",
"smartAsset" : {
"id": "33491174"
Return Payload
Status Code | Success | Description |
200 | true | The proofLink is generated. |
"proofLink": ",ss9t4d2yg1yl"
Status Code | Success | Description |
403 | false | You are not the owner or issuer of this digital passport. |
404 | false | The wallet may not exist. You are not authenticated. |
404 | false | No digital passport was found using this ID. |
Check Proof of Ownership

Use the{{client}}/{{chainType}}/nft/checkProofLink
POST -{{client}}/{{chainType}}/nft/checkProofLink
Field | Type | Required | Description |
protocolName | String - testnet , mainnet , arianeetestnet , mumbai , polygon , arialabs , stadetoulousain , ysl , testnetSbt , arianeeSupernet , arianeesbt , supernettestnet | โ | Protocol on which the digital passport has been minted. Dig deeper into Arianee Protocols. |
smartAsset โ id | Object | โ | Digital passport identification number. |
"link": ",ss9t4d2yg1yl"
Return Payload
Status Code | Success | Description |
200 | true | The proofLink is checked and true is returned when the proofLink is valid. |
"valid": true,
"message": "Proof link is valid!",
"link": ",ss9t4d2yg1yl"
Status Code | Success | Description |
404 | false | The wallet may not exist. You are not authenticated. |
Updated about 1 month ago