Access Right Management
What's the Access Right Management?
The Access Right Management is designed to provide a secure process for third parties, such as partners to authenticate on the NFT Management Platform. By leveraging Ethereum-based authentication, this approach eliminates the need for traditional API keys, easing the use for external stakeholders. The authentication is achieved by resolving the Ethereum address that signs a JWT (JSON Web Token).

Partner prerequisites
Your partner must own an Ethereum Name Service (ENS) address. Subdomains are also supported (e.g., subdomain.example.eth). Authentication leverages the wallet address linked to the ENS domain or subdomain.
If the partner own a domain name such as registered on ENS, it can also be used for authentication. Detailed instructions on linking the partner's domain name to your DNS record can be found in the ENS documentation: ENS DNS Record Setup.
How do I authenticate my partner?
You must create a user account on your NFT Management Platform, and register:
- Ethereum address: The user's ethereum address.
- Email: Email address of the user that will access the NFT Management Platform.
- Profile: Profile of rights associated with and authorized by the new user.
See Create User documentation to dig deeper into the user creation process.
Updated 2 months ago