Strategies Definitions
Define and send the strategy — list of requirements — you wish to apply so your users are allowed to access exclusive content.
Check if wallet(s) owns at least n
NFT(s) issued by a specific address. It is used for Arianee ERC-721.
Parameter | Description |
Query param - addresses | Parameters are automatically retrieved by the API corresponding to the Ethereum wallet addresses that are being checked for ERC-721 tokens. The specific addresses are listed in the addresses array for each test case. This checks if specified wallet addresses have a certain minimum balance of ERC-721 tokens issued by a specific address, and if so, they are considered authorized. |
params | Object with strategy parameters. |
minBalance | Minimum owned tokens. |
address | The wallet address of the issuer. |
tokens | Tokens’ network information: → chainId → network → address |
issuer | The specific issuer of the ERC-721 tokens will be checked in the wallet. |
In this example, the wallets must own at least 1 NFT on the testnet issued by 0x135935c83aCF4E0C1Aa0BD948DC710eC76b478b0
to be authorized.
name: 'erc-721-balance-of-issued-by',
addresses: ['0x2361aBD3937d4f0D7ed72860aE39167B110B727e'],
params: {
// Have >= 1 NFT on testnet
minBalance: '1',
issuer: '0x135935c83aCF4E0C1Aa0BD948DC710eC76b478b0',
tokens: [{
address: '0x512C1FCF401133680f373a386F3f752b98070BC5',
chainId: '77',
networkId: '1'
Check if wallet(s) owns at least n
Parameter | Description |
Query param - addresses | Parameters are automatically retrieved by the API corresponding to the Ethereum wallet addresses that are being checked for ERC-721 tokens. The specific addresses are listed in the addresses array for each test case. This checks if specified wallet addresses have a certain minimum balance of ERC-721 tokens, and if so, they are considered authorized. |
params | Object with strategy parameters. |
minBalance | Minimum owned tokens. |
address | The wallet address of the issuer. |
tokens | Tokens’ network information: → chainId → network → address |
In this example, the wallets must own at least 1 NFT on a polygon to be authorized.
name: 'erc-721-balance-of',
addresses: ['0xF0245F6251Bef9447A08766b9DA2B07b28aD80B0'],
params: {
// Have >= 1 NFT on polygon
minBalance: '1',
tokens: [{
address: '0x0a0bf65248805efa926c39bf51b6dd94e3d1a7af',
chainId: '137',
networkId: '1'
Check if wallet(s) owns at least n
tokens. It can be a sum on multiple chains.
Parameter | Description |
Query param - addresses | Parameters automatically retrieved by the API corresponding to the Ethereum wallet addresses that are being checked for ERC-20 tokens on a specified blockchain network. This checks if specified wallet addresses have a certain minimum balance of ERC-20 tokens, and if so, they are considered authorized. |
params | Object with strategy parameters. |
minBalance | Minimum owned tokens. |
tokens | Tokens’ network information: → chainId → network → address |
In this example, the wallets must own at least 11 aria on the mainnet to be authorized.
name: 'erc-20-balance-of',
addresses: ['0xb261d59bc5b2ced5c000ecb23783f3054e5fc5d0'],
params: {
minBalance: '11',
tokens: [
// Have >= 11 aria on mainnet
chainId: '1',
networkId: '1',
address: '0xedf6568618a00c6f0908bf7758a16f76b6e04af9'
Check if wallet(s) owns at least n
token(s) of an OpenSea collection.
Parameter | Description |
Query param - addresses | Parameters automatically retrieved by the API corresponding to the Ethereum wallet addresses that are being checked for ERC-20 tokens on a specified blockchain network. This checks if specified wallet addresses have a certain minimum balance of ERC-20 tokens, and if so, they are considered authorized. |
params | Object with strategy parameters. |
minBalance | Minimum owned tokens. |
tokens | Tokens’ network information: → chainId → network → address |
In this example, the wallets must own at least 1 token from the metaverse-avatars OpenSea collection to be authorized.
addresses: ['0x68b606a5172a91ec16e97620856ff732455157bc'],
name: 'opensea-collection-balance-of',
params: {
minBalance: '1',
collection: 'metaverse-avatars'
Check whether the specified wallet address does not own a specific ERC-721 NFT with a given token ID.
Parameter | Description |
Query param - addresses | Parameters are automatically retrieved by the API corresponding to the Ethereum wallet addresses that are being checked for ERC-721 tokens. The specific addresses are listed in the addresses array for each test case. This checks if specified wallet addresses have a certain minimum balance of ERC-721 tokens, and if so, they are considered authorized. |
params | Object with strategy parameters. |
contract | Ethereum address of the ERC-721 smart contract is being checked. |
chainId | Blockchain Identification Number. |
tokenIds | Given tokens IDs that the wallet must not own. |
In this example, the wallets must not own the tokens 92 & 100 on the specified blockchain.
name: 'erc-721-not-owner-of',
addresses: ['0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2'],
params: {
contract: '0x56c35dF413b3cd753f85427e55A8dF66A79f1bd7',
chainId: '80001',
tokenIds: [
This strategy checks the balance of the native currency (Ether, Matic, etc…) in a wallet.
Parameter | Description |
Query param - addresses | Parameters are automatically retrieved by the API corresponding to the Ethereum wallet addresses on a specified blockchain network. This checks if specified wallet addresses have a certain minimum balance of tokens, and if so, they are considered authorized. |
params | Object with strategy parameters. |
minBalance | Minimum owned token. |
chainId | Blockchain Identification Number. |
networkId | Network Identification Number. |
In this example, the wallets must not own at least 10 tokens on the mainnet.
name: 'native-balance-of',
addresses: ['0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2'],
params: {
minBalance: '10',
chainId: '1',
networkId: '1'
This strategy checks the balance of a batch of ERC-1155 fungible tokens held by a specific wallet address.
Parameter | Description |
Query param - addresses | Parameters are automatically retrieved by the API corresponding to the Ethereum wallet addresses that are being checked for ERC-1155 tokens. The specific addresses are listed in the addresses array for each test case. This checks if specified wallet addresses have a certain minimum balance of ERC-1155 tokens, and if so, they are considered authorized. |
params | Object with strategy parameters. |
chainId | Blockchain Identification Number. |
address | Ethereum address of the account for which the ERC-1155 token balances are being retrieved. |
minBalances | Minimum owned token. |
id | Token Identification Number of the batch. |
amount | Amount of tokens owned by the wallet. |
In this example, the wallet must own at least 200 references of the token ID 65542 and 2 references of the token ID 65541.
"name": "erc-1155-balance-of-batch",
"addresses": ['0x20797F3D8b051f444Ed9968d34B0a6B1aF9c01d4'],
"params": {
"chainId": "1",
"address": "0x7DaEC605E9e2a1717326eeDFd660601e2753A057",
"minBalances": [
{ "id": "65542", "amount": "200" },
{ "id": "65541", "amount": "2" }
This strategy simply checks if a specified wallet address is exactly equal to a given address.
Parameter | Description |
Query param - addresses | Parameters are automatically retrieved by the API corresponding to the Ethereum wallet addresses that are being checked. The specific addresses are listed in the addresses array for each test case. |
params | Object with strategy parameters. |
addresses | Authorized wallet addresses. |
In this example, the wallet must be referenced in the addresses
name: 'is-exact-address',
addresses: ['0xF0245F6251Bef9447A08766b9DA2B07b28aD80B0'],
params: {
addresses: [
This strategy checks whether a specified wallet address holds a POAP with a specified drop.
Parameter | Description |
Query param - addresses | Parameters are automatically retrieved by the API corresponding to the Ethereum wallet addresses that are being checked. The specific addresses are listed in the addresses array for each test case. |
params | Object with strategy parameters. |
eventId | Drop Event Identification Number. |
In this example, the addresses must own a POAP from drop 14629.
name: 'poap-holder-of',
addresses: [
params: {
eventId: '14629'
This strategy checks whether a specified wallet address is the owner of a specific room.
Parameter | Description |
Query param - addresses | Parameters are automatically retrieved by the API corresponding to the Ethereum wallet addresses that are being checked. The specific addresses are listed in the addresses array for each test case. |
params | Object with strategy parameters. |
chainId | Blockchain Identification Number. |
networkId | Drop Event Identification Number. |
In the example, the owner must owned the specified room.
name: 'room-owner',
addresses: ['0xeFeA1123d4Ed5d342f429049Aa014bF628d10108'],
params: {
chainId: '80001',
networkId: '1'
This strategy checks whether a specified wallet address has an active membership for a particular lock in the Unlock protocol.
Parameter | Description |
Query param - addresses | Parameters are automatically retrieved by the API corresponding to the Ethereum wallet addresses that are being checked. The specific addresses are listed in the addresses array for each test case. |
params | Object with strategy parameters. |
chainId | Blockchain Identification Number. |
lockAddress | Address of the Unlock contract. |
In this example, the wallet must have an active membership on the specified lock address in the Unlock protocol.
name: 'unlock-has-membership',
addresses: [
params: {
chainId: '4',
address: lockContract
This strategy checks NFT parameters. The strategy combines an API request to get information and authorize, or not, the specified wallet.
Parameter | Description |
Query param - addresses | Parameters are automatically retrieved by the API corresponding to the Ethereum wallet addresses that are being checked. The specific addresses are listed in the addresses array for each test case. |
params | Object with strategy parameters. |
url | Endpoint of the API. |
headers | API Authentification. |
In example 1, the wallet must be whitelisted in my database. Return set [true] if whitelisted in the database, otherwise [].
name: 'api-balance-of',
addresses: ['0xabcdef', '0xghijkl'],
params: {
url: '', // The request takes the first address
// The API is called and should return an array
headers: {
Authorization: 'Basic 123' },
minBalance: '1'
In example 2, the wallet must have bought 5 items in my e-store. The API could return ['item1','item2','item3','item4','item5'], otherwise [] if no purchase.
name: 'api-balance-of',
addresses: ['0xabcdef', '0xghijkl'],
params: {
url: '', // The request takes the first address
// The API is called and should return an array
headers: {
Authorization: 'Basic 123' },
minBalance: '5'
Updated 4 months ago