These docs are for v1.7. Click to read the latest docs for v2.1.

Retrieve User's Wallet Address

Retrieve the wallet address of the current user.

Before you begin

Let's start 🚀

Use the /wallet/address.

curl -X POST "" -H "accept: document" -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJJRCI6IjBkMzg3OTJlLTVmZTYtNGZhMC04YmVmLWYwNzJhZDVkNWU4YyIsImlhdCI6MTY2MjYzMDI4NiwiZXhwIjozNzY2MjYyNjY4Nn0.Ve6ITcEdLSf5P8faQdlIpuP-FbD3i-m0AO7OQH2NgWfrUuyLcZ3ZyGs_LZCR08nA_JEC6qPcSL6rJ5RtnPc2fz7p5NVJoxh7qtmCGWtGfw82A5qyyAPXxt0p-..."


200The wallet address is returned.
400Not authorized. You must be authenticated.
    "message": "JWT cannot be decoded",
    "code": "custodial.jwt.miscErrors"