Check Digital Passport Claiming Status
Make sure your digital passports is claimable or claimed.
Before you begin
As a brand, you wish to allow your customers to request ownership of your digital passports. This feature allows you to check the status of your digital passports.
Use case example: Your brand wants to track the claiming status of your users who claimed digital passports following a massive drop during an event.
For more information on the claim method, check out Deferred Claims!
Let's start π
To verify the claiming status of the digital passport, use the deferred/verify
The API is authenticated with the user rights required β
curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'x-api-key: string' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"tokenId": 650923746,
"passphrase": "etdnswn7wp37",
"address": "0x02e07cc7E01b1ca69C0a6de55BFD9B99A8F0aF3a"
Parameter | Type | Mandatory | Description |
tokenId | Number | β | Digital passport identification number. |
passphrase | String | β | Digital passport passphrase. |
address | String | β | Wallet address of the digital passport. |
Results: Find below the httpCode
corresponding to your API call return and its value β nmp.back.deferredTransfer.[value]
httpCode | Value | Description |
200 | tokenCanBeTransfered | The token can be claimed by a user. |
400 | alreadyOwner | The user is already the owner of the token. |
400 | tokenNotFound | Incorrect token ID. |
400 | issuerNotOwner | You are not the issuer of the digital passport. |
400 | passphraseNotRight | Incorrect passphrase. |
400 | errorFetchRequestKey | The passphrase is not a request key. |
400 | pending | The digital passport has been already claimed and the transfer is pending. |
500 | errorTransfer | An error occurred during the transfer. |
"message": "Token 494745099 will be transfered to address 0x02e07cc7E01b1ca69C0a6de55BFD9B99A8F0aF3a",
"code": "nmp.back.deferredTransfer.success"
{ code: 'nmp.back.deferredTransfer.pending', description: 'Token tranfer is already pending'}
Updated over 1 year ago