Smart Asset Sharing
What is the Smart Asset Sharing?
The Smart Asset Sharing Token (SST) for the Arianee protocol is a solution designed as a token to facilitate connectivity between Arianee protocol features and third-party entities like resellers and marketplaces. In situations where a third party needs access to a digital product passport's content and the ability to transfer it without ownership, as seen in marketplaces, the Arianee protocol's SST is a valuable tool.
Arianee has developed SST, inspired by Uniswap's Permis2 & Universal Router technologies.
For instance, when a product owner wishes to resell a watch and transfer the associated digital product passport on a given marketplace, the SST ensures smooth asset transfer to the buyer post-sale.
To enhance interoperability, we present a standardized solution that minimizes development efforts for all stakeholders and prioritizes a straightforward user experience with minimal interaction. The Arianee protocol's SST provides an efficient and user-friendly approach to smart asset sharing in diverse ecosystems.
SST Example:
"sst": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJzZWNwMjU2azEifQ==.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.0x8c548d82647d57a945be1f4d1c1a01e16420daa52576a550fdbf2933e59ce43f6283d2fca0ac1de2bd8f3716e15a6b55a20a1d2a4bf40820245a61eb8b8ce2..."
"iss": "9×D75f916003D53ACf804949ead52661a28868bcCE",
"sub": "certificate",
"exp": 1704278408255,
"lat": 1704278108255,
"subId": 467440080,
"network": "testnet",
"permit": {
"permitted": {
"tokenId": 467440080
"spender": "0x8Ce250a8D46E8f961C832908c9E604FE9Eb7952B",
"nonce": 311462,
"deadline": 1706870108
How does the Smart Asset Sharing work?

- The brand website generates on-chain a Smart Asset Sharing Token (SST). Subsequently, the website redirects the user to the service provider's website, conveying the SST as a URL parameter.
- Upon redirection, the service provider's website extracts the SST from the URL, conducts a validity verification and stores the SST as received. The SST verification checks if the third party has the right to fetch the digital passport and its associated content.
- The service provider initiates the retrieval of the digital product passport's content using the SST.
- The user is then presented with the service interface, providing visibility into the digital product passport's content.
- Over time, the service provider gains the capability to transfer the digital product passport to a designated address.
- Additionally, the service provider performs periodic checks to validate the SST, taking necessary actions if the SST is no longer valid, and ensuring the integrity of the smart asset-sharing process.
To allow this process, Arianee has designed and integrated two packages to our Arianee SDK:
- token-provider - Digital passport issuer: Generate an SST.
- service-provider - Third-party entity:
Updated about 1 year ago