These docs are for v1.9. Click to read the latest docs for v2.1.

Auto Message Campaign

Communicate with your audience through auto message campaigns.

Before you begin

Create an auto-message campaign to communicate by targeting your audience every time rules are triggered.

Use case example: Your brand has sold a product to a customer. You welcome this user and tell what this product passport gives access to. As the messages are not accessible for a new owner, you want this message to be sent to each new owner after a transfer.


  • NFT owners cannot reply to your auto message campaigns.
  • Tags and transfers are the only primitives to target our owners audience and send campaigns.

Let's start 🚀

Create Auto Message Campaign

Step 1: Create your auto message campaign draft respecting the Message Schema by using the /autoMessage.


The API is authenticated with the user rights required → certCreate


campaignNameStringName of the campaign. The first thing displayed in the customers' wallet.
audienceIdStringID of the audience you wish to target.
For more information about the audience, see Manage Audience Segmentation.
contentObjectFor more information on the content $schema, see Message Schema.
statutStringStatut set as DRAFT.
    "campaignName": "Welcome to your Arianee NFT!",
    "audienceId": "6620d8b99db1ffed81bd0147",
    "content": "{\"$schema\":\"\",\"language\":\"en-US\",\"i18n\":[{\"language\":\"en-US\",\"title\":\"Hello you!\",\"content\":\"Welcome to your first Arianee NFT! Access exclusive content and event through this token.\"}]}",
    "status": "DRAFT"

Result: Your auto-message campaign draft has been created and is ready to be triggered. Keep the _id, ID of the campaign in case you wish to update the content afterward.

    "campaignName": "Welcome to your Arianee NFT!",
    "content": "{\"$schema\":\"\",\"language\":\"en-US\",\"i18n\":[{\"language\":\"en-US\",\"title\":\"Hello you!\",\"content\":\"Welcome to your first Arianee NFT! Access exclusive content and event through this token.\"}]}",
    "audienceId": "6620d8b99db1ffed81bd0147",
    "tags": [],
    "_id": "66210ad0deccd6a73842279a",
    "createdAt": "2024-04-18T11:58:08.748Z",
    "updatedAt": "2024-04-18T11:58:08.748Z",
    "__v": 0,
    "id": "66210ad0deccd6a73842279a"

Update Auto Message Campaign

Update the content of your auto message campaign, e.g. let's say you wish to correct your campaign title and use the /autoMessage/{{_id}}.


campaignNameStringName of the campaign. The first thing displayed in the customers' wallet.
audienceIdStringID of the audience you wish to target.
For more information about the audience, see Manage Audience Segmentation.
contentObjectFor more information on the content $schema, see Message Schema.
statutStringStatut set as DRAFT.
    "campaignName": "Hey you, welcome to your Arianee NFT!",
    "audienceId": "6620d8b99db1ffed81bd0147",
    "content": "{\"$schema\":\"\",\"language\":\"en-US\",\"i18n\":[{\"language\":\"en-US\",\"title\":\"Hey you, welcome to your Arianee NFT!\",\"content\":\"Welcome to your first Arianee NFT! Access exclusive content and event through this token.\"}]}",
    "status": "DRAFT"

Result: Your campaign has been updated.

200Your auto-message campaign has been updated.
500Your auto-off-message campaign ID may not exist.
    "_id": "66210ad0deccd6a73842279a",
    "campaignName": "Hey you, welcome to your Arianee NFT!",
    "content": "{\"$schema\":\"\",\"language\":\"en-US\",\"i18n\":[{\"language\":\"en-US\",\"title\":\"Hey you, welcome to your Arianee NFT!\",\"content\":\"Welcome to your first Arianee NFT! Access exclusive content and event through this token.\"}]}",
    "audienceId": "6620d8b99db1ffed81bd0147",
    "tags": [],
    "createdAt": "2024-04-18T11:58:08.748Z",
    "updatedAt": "2024-04-18T11:59:26.745Z",
    "__v": 0,
    "id": "66210ad0deccd6a73842279a"
    "stringValue": "\"66210ad0deccd6a73842279\"",
    "valueType": "string",
    "kind": "ObjectId",
    "value": "66210ad0deccd6a73842279",
    "path": "_id",
    "reason": {},
    "name": "CastError",
    "message": "Cast to ObjectId failed for value \"66210ad0deccd6a73842279\" (type string) at path \"_id\" for model \"AutoMessage\""