These docs are for v1.9. Click to read the latest docs for v2.1.

Generate SST

Before you begin

The token provider facilitates the creation of a Smart Asset Sharing Token (SST). This token allows the service provider to fetch and transfer the digital passport if the SST is valid.

Use Case: As a marketplace (service provider), you wish to transfer a Digital Product Passport with the id 123 owned by userA and issued by brand (token provider) that will be transferred to userB. To do so, the brand may generate an SST token.


If a token-provider generates an SST but the target passport has not yet been approved for use by the Permit721 contract, the generation function will automatically make an on-chain call to approve the target token, which may take some time (from 5 to 20 seconds).

Let's start 🚀

To generate an SST, use{{client}}/{{network}}/token-provider/generateSST.

certificateIdStringDigital passport identification number to be transferred.
spenderStringWallet address that will be able to transfer the smart asset using the SST.
deadlineNumberExpiration time of the SST, expressed in "time since Epoch" and in Seconds.
The default value is set to 30 days after the SST is generated.
Note: We recommend setting up a custom value to avoid invalid SST issues.


    "certificateId": "33491174",
    "spender": "0x4febba33415ab41256cbc981c178297f926a6490"


200The sst is returned.
    "sst": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJzZWNwMjU2azEifQ==.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.0x8c548d82647d57a945be1f4d1c1a01e16420daa52576a550fdbf2933e59ce43f6283d2fca0ac1de2bd8f3716e15a6b55a20a1d2a4bf40820245a61eb8b8ce2ef1c"